Audio and Visual alerts for WSJT-X & JTDX

Getting Support

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JTAlert 2.80.x requires the
.NET 8 Desktop Runtime

Win 7 & 8 no longer officially supported

Win 7 & Win 8 users who encounter problems installing the NET 8 runtime or running JTAlert 2.80.x will need to downgrade their JTAlert installation to version 2.63.2

JTAlert 2.80.0 and later require the .NET 8 Desktop Runtime to be installed on the PC running JTAlert. The Desktop Runtime is required to be installed once only, after which Windows will automatically keep it updated as part of its periodic security updates mechanism.

The correct 64bit (x64) or 32bit (x86) version needs to be installed, matching your Windows OS architecture.

Download 64bit windowsdesktop-runtime-8.0.14-win-x64.exe

Download 32bit windowsdesktop-runtime-8.0.14-win-x86.exe

JTAlert 2.80.4    [Software License]    [Release Notes]

Provides several audio and visual alert types based on decoded Callsigns within WSJT-X.

Download JTAlert    [Click Here]

Download Sound Files    [Click Here]

Support File Downloads :

If you experience problems or have questions post a message to the HamApps support group.
Please start a new message with a subject line that reflects the question or problem.