JTAlert 2.62.2 Download

JTAlert requires the
.NET 6 Desktop Runtime

JTAlert 2.60.0 and later require the .NET 6 Desktop Runtime to be installed on the PC running JTAlert. The Desktop Runtime is required to be installed once only, after which Windows will automatically keep it updated as part of its periodic security updates mechanism.

The correct 64bit (x64) or 32bit (x86) version needs to be installed, matching your Windows OS architecture

Download 64bit windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.31-win-x64.exe

Download 32bit windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.31-win-x86.exe

JTAlert 2.62.2 Upgrade

Requires uninstall of any JTAlert versions older than 2.62.0

          IMPORTANT                   IMPORTANT                   IMPORTANT

    Before installing 2.62.2 any installed JTAlert versions older than 2.62.0 need to
    be uninstalled first. Your existing settings are safe when doing an uninstall
    (see Note 3:).

    Note 1: If you do not uninstall first than you will need to make manual adjustments
    to your JTAlert shortcuts. Change the target name from JTAlert.exe to JTAlertV2.exe

    Note 2: If you normally start JTAlert from a custom shortcut, batch file, third-
    party application launcher like DXLab launcher, you will need to change the JTAlert
    executable file name from JTAlert.exe to JTAlertV2.exe

    Note 3: If you use a third-party application uninstaller or registry cleaner to
    uninstall JTAlert, there is no guarantee that your settings will be safe.
    Use Windows control panel to uninstall or the "Uninstall JTAlert" shortcut in
    the Windows "HamApps JTAlert" start-menu group to ensure your settings are safe.


JTAlert 2.62.2    [Software License]    [Release Notes]

Problem solving

If you experience problems or have questions post a message to the HamApps support group.
Please start a new message with a subject line that reflects the question or problem.

Old Versions